Technique of the Week: Kettlebell Jumpers Swing-The BodyBell Method
The Jumper’s Swing is a great Kettlebell movement for developing Explosive Power and increasing the weight of your swings by adding in the ankle joints to change the dynamics of the extension.
Do something every day that makes you breathe hard. Be sure to check out my new book: Exercise Snacks: Fitness 5 Minutes at a Time
For more kettlebell and bodyweight information:
Strength and Honor!
#boxing #kickboxing #fighting #fitness #knife #knifefighting #selfdefense #combat #combatarts #theblox #combatives #blades #kettlebells #knifeordeath #military #strength #kukri #masterphil #philross #workout #winningmindset #survivalstrong #healthisawealth #kettlebellking #bodybellmethod #supplements
#masterphilinyourcorner #scwmania #exercisesnacks
The Jumper’s Swing is a great Kettlebell movement for developing Explosive Power and increasing the weight of your swings by adding in the ankle joints to change the dynamics of the extension.
Do something every day that makes you breathe hard. Be sure to check out my new book: Exercise Snacks: Fitness 5 Minutes at a Time
For more kettlebell and bodyweight information:
Strength and Honor!
#boxing #kickboxing #fighting #fitness #knife #knifefighting #selfdefense #combat #combatarts #theblox #combatives #blades #kettlebells #knifeordeath #military #strength #kukri #masterphil #philross #workout #winningmindset #survivalstrong #healthisawealth #kettlebellking #bodybellmethod #supplements
#masterphilinyourcorner #scwmania #exercisesnacks
Technique of the Week: Kettlebell Jumpers Swing-The BodyBell Method
The Jumper’s Swing is a great Kettlebell movement for developing Explosive Power and increasing the weight of your swings by adding in the ankle joints to change the dynamics of the extension.
Do something every day that makes you breathe hard. Be sure to check out my new book: Exercise Snacks: Fitness 5 Minutes at a Time
For more kettlebell and bodyweight information:
Strength and Honor!
#boxing #kickboxing #fighting #fitness #knife #knifefighting #selfdefense #combat #combatarts #theblox #combatives #blades #kettlebells #knifeordeath #military #strength #kukri #masterphil #philross #workout #winningmindset #survivalstrong #healthisawealth #kettlebellking #bodybellmethod #supplements
#masterphilinyourcorner #scwmania #exercisesnacks
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